Multiple graphs in Tracker plugin

The following is a code block for Tracker plugin. In this state it only renders the first graph:

searchType: task.done, task.done
searchTarget: Meditation, Jogging
datasetName: Meditation, Jogging
folder: Daily Notes
startDate: 2023-07-28

    title: "Meditation"
    dataset: 0
    orientation: vertical
    range: 3, 21, 100
    rangeColor: red, yellow, green
    value: "{{currentStreak()}}"
    valueUnit: dias
    valueColor: blue
    showMarker: true
    markerValue: 90
    markerColor: blue

    title: "Jogging"
    dataset: 1
    orientation: vertical
    range: 3, 21, 100
    rangeColor: red, yellow, green
    value: "{{currentStreak()}}"
    valueUnit: dias
    valueColor: blue
    showMarker: true
    markerValue: 90
    markerColor: blue

How to display multiple graphs, side by side?

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