Multiple file selection by selection box in the file explorer

Obsidian desperately needs the ability to select multiple files and move or delete them all at once, dealing with large volumes of files as of now is clunky and slow. I checked the forumns and it seems this topic was archived 4 years ago. Select multiple notes/folders from the file explorer to drag and drop
They discussed the neccesary keys being already being in use for other functions but i dont understand why it couldnt be implimented by requiring left clicks to start from the margin between the explorer and the current tab and creating a selection box.

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Obsidian desperately needs the ability to select multiple files and move or delete them all at once,

Currently, you can use Alt+click to select multiple files. Add ‘Shift’, and you make a contiguous selection. With a right-click, you can move, delete or bookmark. The selection can also be dragged.

This FR is asking for a mouse selection box.