Multiple Checkboxes per Line

It would be amazing to have functionality for multiple checkboxes per line. My primary use case would be for tracking things that need to be done multiple times in a week/month, but not necessarily as a repeating task. I work as a sales rep and need to visit all of my accounts each month, but some need to be seen every week and some only need to be seen once per month. I would love to be able to have a monthly template that includes all of my accounts with the number of check boxes on the line that corresponds to how many times I should see them that month, and allows me to check off every time I visit, with the line being fully completed and stricken through when all check boxes have been toggled.

Other use cases would be habit tracking, giving something a score out of 5 or ten (personal movie reviews), lists that need multiple reviews (i.e. writing a rough draft of an article would be the first check box, review is second, and publish is third).


I got this created and working - let me clean everything up and create the repo and I will comment back

I am back! Here is the plugin you asked for - I am submitting it for approval for the plugin store in Obsidian, but in the meantime, feel free to grab the release files and work with it now. Let me know if you have any issues

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Can this be used for sub-tasks of a main task?

I mean we could consider “Wash clothes as the main task”, and then it having subtasks of “gather clothes”, “run washer”, “dry clothes”, “put back in closet”. And it could potentially look something like:

- [ ] Wash clothes:  [ ] gather clothes | [ ] run washer  | [ ] dry clothes  | [ ]  put back in closet

And then with the main task being crossed automatically when the others are completed. Does this make sense to you? I mean there are many tasks I would like for a “main title task” to be kept open until the subtasks are completed, but I need to complete many smaller steps.

so if I understand you correctly, you want a setting where if all tasks to the right of the first one (sub tasks) are completed, then they all should be completed.

and if we complete the first task in a line, then all should be completed.

Do I have that right

Yeah, I think that could be useful. Possible it should be possible to toggle this behaviour, but I for one would love to use it for “sub-tasks” in such a way.

I love this!! Is it at all possible to have one “task” with multiple checkboxes? In the example i saw it looks like you have

task 1 | task 2 | task 3

With the line being stricken when all tasks are completed. What if it looked like


With it only being stricken after the task has been completed three times?

I haven’t had a chance to install and experiment yet so please forgive me if this is already built in and I just missed it.

@SpaghettiCat and @holroy I have added both those items as tasks for me, I will circle back here when I have it finished

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