Multiline block reference?

Is it possible to have a multiline block? instead of having only one line, paragraph, etc. I’d like to be able to embed an entire segment.


- hello
    - world
    - hello
        - world ^block-id

Then I would do

![[document^block-id]] which would in turn show the entire segment:

- hello
    - world
    - hello
        - world

instead of just showing

        - world

Is that feasible?


Try moving the blockID reference higher to see what scope is available.
At a push, you’ll need to make a heading level above the first line in the hierarchy and reference that.

I tried this:

- hello ^block-id
    - world
    - hello
        - world

and that:

# hello world ^block-id
- hello
    - world
    - hello
        - world

and both only embedded a single line :person_shrugging:

Are you missing the # symbol?

If I have a document

# hello world
- hello ^04ceaf
    - world
    - hello
        - world

I can embed the following blocks

![[document#hello world]]


To embed the whole list, put the block ID below the last list item, separated by an empty line, like so:

- hello
- world


Without the empty line, the block ID will apply to the last list item only:

- hello
- world

For headings, block IDs like:

Heading ^id




will only show the heading itself, not the content under it. To also include content, use [[Filename#Heading]], though the links are liable to break if the heading gets renamed, unless using the “Rename this heading” command.

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Thanks! That’s what was missing. I never realized I could embed entire headings.

Also @peeragetalkers’ way of putting an id under the block does work as well!

So I went from no way to achieve what I wanted to two ways of doing so!

What’s funny it’s that I used to link to headings but never realize I could use the same syntax to embed them. That makes my day! Thanks to the both of you!

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