Move pinned tabs to left

Use case or problem

In terms of Pinned tab visibility, it would be nice to allow the option to group all pinned tabs together and automatically move to the left most tabs, similar to how it’s handled in VSCode.

Proposed solution

When “toggling pin”, that tab is moved all the way to the left to be adjacent to any other pinned tabs, or the left most position if it’s the first pinned tab. When a tab from the pinned section is unpinned, it is moved to the right until there are no pinned tabs to the right of it.

Current workaround (optional)

Easy work around is to just manually position pinned tabs by dragging to wherever you please.


Hi! You can achieve this with my plugin, Vertical Tabs. Just download and enable it, then execute the command “open vertical tabs”, it will show up in the sidebar. By clicking the sort button, you may sort the tabs by “pinned at top” (top in vertical = left in horizontal), the plugin will automatically rearrange your tabs and keep the horizontal native tabs in sync.

thanks @mitchell1919 , but that is not what @kylemit meant.

+1 for this FR

I expect to have the same behaviour as in the browser. pinned tabs belong to the beginning on all tabs. pinned tabs are supposed to stand out, thats why they are pinned in the first place.

unfortunately i could not find a plugin to solve this. but i hope someone will jump in :slight_smile:

Could you please elaborate more on this? From both of your descriptions, the FR demands to automatically rearrange all pinned tabs to the front of all other tabs. If this is not what you desired, could you please post a screenshot or a recording of the proposed behavior?

If you are not sure what I’m talking about, you may see the demo below, starting at 1:22. Note that all pinned tabs have been moved to the beginning (both in vertical and horizontal directions). If you don’t want vertical tabs, you may hide the panel after setting-up.

The sort by pinned tabs don’t seem to be persistent. It resets every time Obsidian opens. For the behavior to be like he says I think he wants it to be automatic.

Hi, I opened an issue on GitHub for you: Issue #33. Custom sorting will be remembered in the next release. Stay tuned :tada:

Thank you! This is an great plugin I’ve been using for the past two weeks! Thank you for your hard work!

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This feature is now available in the latest version (v0.6.9). :tada: