Move completed tasks to a separate "log" file

It would be cool to have an option to archive todo items instead of just deleting them:


# Work
- [ ] task 1
- [ ] task 2
# Home
- [ ] task 3

When a task is marked as done, check if it’s header exists in the “completed-tasks” file

  • if the header doesn’t exist, create the header and move that task to the file
  • otherwise just move the task to it’s designated header

For a practical example, If I’d check task 3, the files would look like this:

# Work
- [ ] task 1
- [ ] task 2
# Home

# Home
- [x] task 3 - Done on $(date)

There is a plugin to do this that I really like: Task Archiver, GitHub - ivan-lednev/obsidian-task-archiver: Archive completed tasks in your Obsidian vault (plus other org-mode-like features).

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