Modification date of notes on dataview list

I’m quite new to Dataview and a question has arisen that I don’t know if it has a solution.
I’ve a note in which I collect the notes modified in a day:

table aliases as Título, tipo, tema
WHERE date(2022-03-22) = file.mday AND file.mday != file.cday
SORT file.ctime ASC

My problem is that I’ve seen that it considers modified, not only those with which I’ve worked, but also those that have been modified by a change of name in another note.
Is there any way to distinguish them?

Hi A_Simon, welcome to the Obsidian community!

No, the modified date records the last time that a file was changed for any reason, either directly by you, automatically by Obsidian, a file sync operation, or anything else. There’s no separate notion of a “edited by the user” date.

However, there is a plugin that looks like it updates a specific field in the frontmatter whenever you directly edit a file. I haven’t used the plugin myself, but perhaps it might help you:

Hope this helps!



Thanks for the info … :+1:

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