Mobile - unsolicited connections

Steps to reproduce

  • switch Obsidians background data off (android default app toggle)
  • block Obsidians outside traffic (using firewall apps)
  • track outgoing traffic (using logging apps)

Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? [Y/N]

Y; restricted mode

Expected result

Obsidian on mobile should be totally silent if it isn’t updating plugins or syncing no matter if it’s online or off-line
Obsidian is a local personal knowledge management system.
Also some plugins require temporary connections but just temporary and I really hope, plugin developers are told and encouraged to add toggles to give users full control over unsolicited background connections
I don’t want other connections than the connections I allow, when and how often I want. Nothing more, nothing less.
In a local set-up, network connections should be treated as secondary and not essential services.

Actual result

background services / connections cause Obsidian to restart very often.
You can see at the bottom (under Additional information) a incomplete day log of some of the outgoing traffic from Obsidian. (I pasted them by hand, need to find a way to print these logs)
I checked some of these urls, these are not-essential connections and not needed for the proper execution of local file editing in Obsidian. I’m ok if plugins are updating or if plug-ins load some pictures but these connections are temporary and are run on demand. No repetitive, unessential, unsolicited connections to github or google, please.


Additional information

This isn’t really a bug-related topic so I gonna move it to help.

Here a list of known sources of network activity

It’s possible that on Android or iOS, there is additional network activity due or mediated by the OS itself (for example DNS over TLS) or the framework we use Capacitor.

This is the bug. And it causes Obsidian to restart very often if the network traffic is locked. This shouldn’t happen with a safe, local and privacy oriented pkm tool.

And another big issue is privacy - my set-up is local only. My use of internet is limited to plugin update or image download.

Obsidian is great on mobile but it
needs to sort out this noisy unsolicited network traffic

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