(Mobile) Split view and auto hide toolbar (Except when scrolling)

As you can see in the image below, there is a split view mode where I can view 2 tabs simultaneously.

Additionally, it would be very useful if the top and bottom toolbars were hidden to create more space, like mobile browsers do with the address bar hidden, and then reappear when using the scroll.

There is no splt view mode in core obsidian on mobile phones. I don’t know how you got into this state.

Lol was thinking the same, but now I want this feature. This could be convenient when working with multiple files at once.

I don’t have a tablet to check if there’s split view for mobile. So tablets don’t have split view?

Since phones are so small, how should split view work?

I mean on Android you can split screen to display 2 apps at once. So how the images shows seems fine to me

Why did you move the topic from feature request to help?

There are two feature requests for mobile, this cannot be a help topic as these features do not exist.

I quickly made this concept on my Galaxy S20, it’s not a tablet. I took a screenshot and edited the image in the gallery to demonstrate what I wanted ::smiley:

There are multiple problems with this thread.

First, you wrote something misleading because there is no split view mode on mobile phones, you made a mock-up.

Second, you didn’t search for before opening a new thread (I can already tell you that there is similar request already)

Third, you didn’t follow the forum request template.

That’s why this thread was moved to help.

Yes, I made a mockup because the feature doesn’t exist, that’s why it was in feature request. But I didn’t fool anyone.

And I hadn’t found a similar topic that already existed.

Can I create a new one following the forum formatting? I saw a thread about split screen but it doesn’t seem to be similar to my suggestion.

You didn’t say that you made a mock-up. You stated that split-view exists. I don’t know maybe this is a language barrier.

Anyway, this is close enough, you can comment on this thread. No need to open a new one: