Mobile CSS

I added a ton of snippets on desktop to get Obsidian looking the way I want, but mobile seems to not have pulled over my colors for the settings background colors, sidebar background colors, and right sidebar background colors.


[x] iOS
[ ] Android

Obsidian Mobile version: v1.0.4

Same as above:

I added a ton of snippets on desktop to get Obsidian looking the way I want, but mobile seems to not have pulled over my colors for the settings background colors, sidebar background colors, and right sidebar background colors.

My text is correct, even some of the sidebar active background colors are correct, but nothing else on the sidebars are. And the settings too. Do they have their own CSS classes?


Iā€™d like to get an answer to this too please!

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if you view the app.css using the default theme you will find a number of css classes prefixed with .-is-mobile. Overriding these classes will likely solve your issue

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