[Mobile] Automatic sync with GitHub on iOS (for free) via a-shell

Thank you for the amazing post ! The only thing that was preventing me going full for obsidian is its mobile sync - default option of icloud made it so sluggish. I tried syncing with Obsidian Git plugin itself on iphone - which worked without requiring any other app - but the experience was very clunky - The Obsidian-Git plugin throws lot of messages and what not.

Your solution is perfect as far as reliability of sync is concerned.

Only thing now left is - shortcuts and automations to make things seamless.

I am able to execute the shortcuts using Commander and Shortcut Launcher plugins as discussed in this post - but when shortcut is launched from within the obsidian - the a-shell app does not execute the commands and shortcut moves to the next step. The expected behaviour is to execute the whole command on a-shell and then run the next step in shortcut which is to launch the Obsidian. Even better solution would be to execute the a-shell commands in the background itself when the shortcut is moved to next step for launch of Obsidian

I partially solved this problem by putting up a waiting period of 10 sec between the shell execution of command and next step of launching back of Obsidian app.

Have you also experienced the same or am I missing something here?

Again Thanks a ton for your post :slight_smile: