iOS Mobile App Crashes on Title Editing (custom font)

Done all the steps in Troubleshooting Guide – set the default theme, disabled community plugins, disabled css snippets, restarted app, checked for updates in AppStore.

Steps to reproduce

Can’t reproduce in a new empty Vault. But everything listed above is disabled in my vault, all plugins, no themes, no snippets, nothing.

  1. Open any existing or create a new note in Obsidian Mobile
  2. Add and remove a space in the end of the note title (or edit anything in the title at all) OR create an H2 header in the note ##
  3. Tap on the note body or tap Done – in case of note title editing
  4. The app crashes immediately – in both cases

Expected result

I’d expect to be able to edit the titles and create headers without the app crashing.

Actual result

The app crashes immediately on note title edit or header created in the body of the note


Operating system: ios 17.5.1 (Apple iPhone16,1)
Obsidian version: 1.6.3 (143)
API version: v1.6.3
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: supporter
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 1
Restricted mode: on

^^^ It says Snippets enabled: 1 but in Appearance Settings all the toggles are off and the theme is default.

Additional information


Try restriced mode on and close and reopen obsidian

As you can see (from the debug message) the restricted mode is on and as I’ve wrote I’ve restarted app after that.

Where is your vault stored? Icloud or obsidian private location?

Same problem here. The iOS 1.6.3 app crashes on title or heading edits, existing or new notes, even on restricted mode.
The crash is consistent across all of my iOS devices.
I’m on iCloud sync. The app crashes whether I’m online or offline. The entire Vault is downloaded on the iOS devices (I.e. forcing an iCloud “download now” and then opening Obsidian immediately).

I can’t replicate on a brand new Vault (either Sync or iCloud).

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I use Obsidian Sync for synchronisation, if that’s what you’re asking. The local copy of the Vault is clearly stored on iPhone.

What is the total number of files and total size of your vault?

3038 files and according to cloud storage used: 661.31 MB out of 50.00 GB used.

Ok thanks. This is strange.

Can you post a screen recording?


I hope this is good enough? I can’t upload the original video

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For those of you able to reproduce the issue, could you share what interface font you are using with Obsidian? A screenshot of the “Font” section inside Settings → Appearance is enough. Thanks!

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Update: I deleted all custom fonts, restarted, and the bug has disappeared.
If I set custom fonts again, the bug reappears.

Update: it’s not any custom font. If I set “Andale”, all works; if I set iA Quattro, it crashes.

Let me know what else I can do to help debug.

You’re definitely on the right track!!!


Definitely related cause recently I’ve changed the font both of the UI and notes to JetBrains Mono. So that seems to be the common place for both of us who have this issue. I can easily get back to normal by changing back to default font, if that helps, no prob. But seems like something developers should take a look at, right?

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Also seeing the same issue, oddly enough also using an iA Writer font (ia Writer Duo S). I am also seeing the application crash on an iPad when trying to add markdown styling to text, as well as editing titles or headers.

I can reproduce the crash in Restricted Mode, simply making a new note and adding _test_ as text will cause a crash, usually before I’m able to type the full string. Upon opening the doc, if it manages to save the string, backspacing over the italics will also cause a crash. The entire string has to be highlighted and deleted at once to be able to edit the file further.

I have attached an image of my font settings, as well as an upload of the App.ips crash report from the analytics section within my iPad settings. (28.1 KB)

I think this is the relevant part of the stack trace:

"exceptionReason" : {"arguments":["-[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]","0x1fe6aba50"],"format_string":"*** %s: object cannot be nil (key: %@)","name":"NSInvalidArgumentException","type":"objc-exception","composed_message":"*** -[__NSDictionaryM setObject:forKey:]: object cannot be nil (key: 0x1fe6aba50)","class":"NSException"},

Looks like a missing null check of some sort.


How do you have iA Writer Duo S installed on your device? Did you use an app such as iFont to make the font globally available?

I had Noto Sans as interface font and text font. Obsidian on iOS crashed at various points. After I removed custom font settings on my Mac and synced my devices with Obsidian Sync, Obsidian on iOS seems to crash less.

Does Obsidian on iOS properly check for missing fonts? I can’t recall that I ever installed this font on iOS.

On the other hand, when I explicitly choose custom fonts on iOS, that actually exist on iOS by default, it starts crashing again.

Thanks, I’m able to reproduce the issue with Noto Sans