Microsoft Editor

Is it possible to port this Chrome extension to Obsidian?


Having this in obsidian would be a huge benefit. :smile: Iā€™d love to see it become posible.

Microsoft editor is actually really good for spell checking. It would be great to have it in obsidian.

I just came across this thread and wanted to express my strong interest in this feature as well. Microsoft Editor does an excellent job in providing intelligent grammar, spelling, and style checks. Having this kind of functionality natively in Obsidian would significantly improve the writing and editing process.

As someone who uses Obsidian for extensive writing and note-taking, the integration of a robust spelling and grammar checker like Microsoft Editor would be a game-changer. I can see how this could benefit not just me but many Obsidian users who are looking for a more streamlined and efficient writing experience.

So, adding another voice here: I would love to see this feature or something similar integrated into Obsidian.

Best regards,