Metadatas good practice

I am designing prototype notes for the various contexts i am interesting in. The recurrent block is the metadata block.

  1. Do you put this block at the beginning or at the end of the Note ?
    Just curious.

  2. I created a “metadata” paragraph with everything I need within the note, I would these info to be hidden when i am in preview mode, is there a way to do that ?

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i like @nickmilo’s response for breadcrumbs of the MOC’s up top for easy navigation in his video , and i prefer metadata at the bottom. plus this avoids issues with future usage of YAML front matter at the top for plugin usage


I too have switched all mine to the bottom for exactly this reason.
YAML is a useful convention, but only when I control it.

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I put metadata on top for literature notes and bottom for permanent/evergreen notes.

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i do the same actually. lit notes have top meta data, evergreen at the bottom, and MOC’s have a link back to their parent MOC at the top for easy reversal of depth :slight_smile:

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My MOCs have links at the top and bottom, just as you would see from the LYT kit.