Mermaid: Support Elk layout system in core Obsidian

Hello, first of all, I’d like to apologize for any mistakes in my writing, as English is not my native language. I’d like to request something that I believe is a common wish among a large part of the community that uses Mermaid diagrams: the ability to use theme and layout configurations, such as Elk. This would be essential to make this native feature even more powerful and to ensure that the visualization in the online editor matches the visualization in Obsidian.

Mermaid in Obsidian does support inline theming with the default configurations, as well as declared configurations within the codeblock.

Where does “Elk” come from?

A different form of layout, such as that shown in the image, where the standard layout is not used.

Link: Flowcharts Syntax | Mermaid

OP is asking to provide ELK layout engine support that is no longer included in main minified JS of Mermaid since 11.0 (see v11.0.0 release notes) and sites/apps must install @mermaid-js/layout-elk see mermaid-js/mermaid#5049

I’ve created similar “feature request” that is actually regression for Typora here typora/typora-issues#6174 that also explains how to build single JS with ELK for Mermaid >11.0.

I’d appreciate if Obsidian team looks into including ELK, as it is substantially improving complex graphs and is relatively simple fix (see recipe from Typora issue report). We rely strongly on ELK in my team, and folks using Obsidian no longer can render documentation properly.

Thank you, Adam

P.S. I wish I could included links to GitHub issues and release notes, but your forum does not allow me to do so.

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That’s right. I think the colleague was able to better describe the addition (or return, since after the last major update the feature stopped working).