I’ve mentioned it on discord here, and was told to create a bug report: Discord
Basically, before the update, the colors displayed on a mermaid diagram, were unaffected by whether the vault is in Light or Dark mode.
However, now, if you switch to Dark Mode, the colors are corrupted, which makes it look bad. The problem persist in the Sandbox version.
(In the picture below, the node called “Public Blockchain” or “Hybrid Blockchain” etc, is an internal link. The node called “Distributed Ledger” or “Cryptography” is not a link)
here is the code for what you see in the picture:
Topic Progression Levels
Click on the Hashtags to reveal the corresponding concepts:
Basic #
Intermediate #
Advanced #
Highly_Advanced #
graph LR classDef whiteborder stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:1px; classDef greenborder stroke:#00ff5d,stroke-width:1px; classDef yellowborder stroke:#ffe200,stroke-width:1px; classDef redborder stroke:#ff0063,stroke-width:1px; classDef purpleborder stroke:#af00ff,stroke-width:1px; classDef greyborder stroke:#a7a7a7,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 10 10; Optional["⚪Optional"] Basic["🟢Basic"] Intermediate["🟡Intermediate"] Advanced["🔴Advanced"] Highly_Advanced["🟣Highly_Advanced"] Basic --- Intermediate --- Advanced --- Highly_Advanced --- Optional --- Upcoming["Upcoming Concepts"] class Optional whiteborder; class Basic greenborder; class Intermediate yellowborder; class Advanced redborder; class Highly_Advanced purpleborder; class Upcoming greyborder class Basic link;
Blockchain Introduction
graph LR
classDef whiteborder stroke:#ffffff,stroke-width:1px;
classDef greenborder stroke:#00ff5d,stroke-width:1px;
classDef yellowborder stroke:#ffe200,stroke-width:1px;
classDef redborder stroke:#ff0063,stroke-width:1px;
classDef purpleborder stroke:#af00ff,stroke-width:1px;
classDef greyborder stroke:#a7a7a7,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 10 10;
Consensus_Mechanism["Consensus Mechanism"]
Distributed_Ledger["Distributed Ledger"]
Public_Blockchain["Public Blockchain"]
Hybrid_Blockchain["Hybrid Blockchain"]
Federated_Blockchain["Federated Blockchain"]
Private_Blockchain["Private Blockchain"]
Consortium_Blockchain["Consortium Blockchain"]
Distributed_Ledger --> Blockchain
Cryptography --> Blockchain
Consensus_Mechanism --> Blockchain
Blockchain --> Public_Blockchain
Blockchain --> Hybrid_Blockchain
Blockchain --> Federated_Blockchain
Blockchain --> Private_Blockchain
Blockchain --> Consortium_Blockchain
%% Subgraph for Types of Blockchain
subgraph Types of Blockchain
class Private_Blockchain,Hybrid_Blockchain,Federated_Blockchain,Consortium_Blockchain whiteborder;
class Blockchain,Public_Blockchain greenborder;
class Layer_1&2 yellowborder;
class Blockchain,Public_Blockchain,Private_Blockchain,Hybrid_Blockchain,Federated_Blockchain,Consortium_Blockchain,Layer_1&2 internal-link;