Hi, i’m having troubles with my obsidian vault.
I have a repository on github and i use obsidian on two different devices. Today i tried to pull and this error appeared:
I also put the .obsidian folder in the gitignore file but nothing happened.
Can anybody help me?
You tagged this as “sync” which would refer to Obsidian Sync. I removed that tag.
This isn’t really trouble with your Obsidian vault. This is a git issue.
It sounds like you maybe added the .obsidian folder to the .gitignore after you started getting this merge problem, is that right? So it’s not going to work yet until this merge conflict is fixed, because the .gitignore isn’t committed yet (as far as I can tell from what you said, and the error).
There are plenty of git users around here, but git can be tricky. You might have to look into how to “stash” your changes, to be able to fix your merge conflicts. And honestly, for some people, a GUI git client can be very helpful, because it can give you some helpful buttons to press, instead of typing commands in the command line, if you aren’t comfortable there. (I’ve used Git Tower, and GitKraken. And GitHub has their own client too.)
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