You have a point but I’ve really thought about this more since my post 2 days ago and I actually think that we don’t need any kind of #tag or @people pages. theres a way better way to implement what myself and alot of other people’s use cases need for this and its way simpler: make folders color codeable.
Imagine having a “tags” folder or a “people” folder that you put each tag page or people page into. This is the same work as typing the “#tag” in the page. You can fully use the page to work out of all you want, and best of all, since the name is ‘pure’ (doesn’t have any prefixes), all of your linked and unlinked mentions properly function.
Now, when you want to see a list of people you just Cmd+O for the quick switcher, type “People/” and a list of all the people in your vault populates. When you want to see a list of your tag pages (or anchor pages), type “Tags/”. I’ve already started doing this.
Finally, to give the visual distinction in graph view, if you make these folders color-codeable your set up is OP. No need for messy prefixes, no need for special tags or extra first class variables.
Got this idea from @Picard here: Graph View: Colored clusters - #13 by Picard
This is still a “folder-free” hierarchy, bc your notes don’t gain structure from the folders. The folders just group certain page types together; the hierarchy of the vault is still completely flat. I’ve also been able to get rid of most of my tags, which is awesome. Traditional folders and tags are imo just crutches until the notes can be properly linked to each other and to map pages
This is the feature request I’m talking about. Sorry if I’m side-tracking the convo, but I’m linking it here bc I really believe this would solve this use case.