MarkDownload - Markdown Web Clipper

Thanks for your great extension. It’s really helpful

Downloaded images should download relative to the markdown file in the case where you specify a subfolder in your title template

How should I do that? I tried to put the folder address in “Image filename prefix template” but didn’t work

In the situation I’m describing, I have the browser set to always download to a specific folder and not ask me where it should download, which is an important caveat at this stage.

If you check the option to “Download images alongside markdown files” and set an image prefix that includes one or more forward slashes (/) like the following:
Then the images should download to the specified folder.

To run through an example, say your downloads folder was ~/downloads, and you’re clipping an article named “Writing in Markdown”. In the MarkDownload settings, say you specify your title template to be clippings/{title} and you have download images on and the filename prefix set to images/{title}/img_.
In this case, the markdown file should be downloaded to ~/downloads/clippings/Writing in and the images should all be downloaded to ~/downloads/clippings/images/Writing in Markdown/img_<filename>.<ext>

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I see, so I can keep them separate nested in “download” folder (without selecting a path for every file every time) and I can just move them manually into my vault from time to time. That reduces a lot of friction, almost as good as accepting an absolute path to save the files. Cool!

I found a little problem tho, giving images/{title}/img_ is going to save it into ~/downloads//images/Writing in Markdown/img_<filename>.<ext> not ~/downloads/clippings/images/Writing in Markdown/img_<filename>.<ext>.
That is a bit of a problem because if I want to correct it by giving it clippings/images/{title}/img_ as the input, the relative path inside the markdown file would mess up and it doesn’t shows the Images (Because the image folder should be just beside the .md file I suppose).

Darn. It looks like something’s gone wrong with my “relative to file path” fix. I’ll have to look into that.

What’s your title template? If it’s clippings/{title} it should work itself out fine…

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My md file template is 00-Clippings/{title} and my Image template is 00-Clippings/images/{title}_img_ , just like you said. I think you should add the folder path automatically to image template. and also it should only allowed to be /image/imagename.jpg in md code, nothing longer.

Right now I have set the image code to be like this


Which works fine as I am opening the “clippings” folder with Obsidian as a vault. But if I choose the other two options I am going to have a problem.

I thought I was adding the folder path to the image template automatically, but I’ll have to double-check that is working properly.

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No it does not do that, at least for me

Please bring this to Safari! Possible?


Nice extension!

I didn’t like having to manually move the downloaded files into my vault, so I created a very rudimentary Obsidian plugin to do it with one click. I scans your downloads folder for Markdown files, and copies them into a configurable location (such as an “Inbox” folder) in your vault. It even works. :slight_smile: I’ll post the code later.

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I’ve been looking into it and there are some limitations. So far I’ve been unable to get image downloads working in Safari, but apart from that it’s all working, I think.
Just need to a bit more testing and tidy up (hopefully soon :crossed_fingers:) and then go through the process of pushing it up through Apple.

Also, just so you’re aware, I will be charging for this on Safari (in an attempt to cover the Apple publishing costs, at least a little), but it will only be a one-off payment of a small amount, no subscriptions or anything.


That’s pretty cool. I was considering doing something similar myself (in the future, not any time soon), so this is great :+1:

Sounds good! Lookin forward to using it.

this sounds wonderful. making a comment here so I can be notified when you release it.

WOW! Thank you so much for contributing this awesome extension. Before I found it I was manually doing what it does, and it was SUCH a pain. I just wanted to express my gratitude. You are truly made of awesomesauce! x)

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I am only getting a guid like filename with oob extension options. Am using Windows, with newest flavor of chrome and edge exhibiting the same issue. What be I doing wrong?

There is a known incompatibility with some other extensions that do downloads and stuff.

I don’t know what causes it exactly, but it’s a known issue with some other extensions as well…

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Gotcha, thanks much! I bet if I turn off some offenders this will work. Cheers.

Firefox is my new favorite browser. I love this extension you’ve created!

Sounds good. I’m commenting to get notification also.