Markdown variable substitution

Some markdown systems support templating engines, where you can define a variable and have its value substituted in whenever you reference it; this could be helpful for taking concise notes.

My particular use case (I’m sure there are others): I take notes on youtube videos, and want to cite each point by linking back to the location in the video, e.g. Obsidian is cool [00:30]( This can get very unwieldy, with many long links that are almost identical except for the timestamp at the end.
What if I could define somewhere in the file that ${yturl} =, and then write Obsidian is cool [00:30](${yturl}00m30s), which the markdown interpreter would expand back into the full link? Much more concise and simple to write, while having an equally readable source and the same rendered output.


Some existing implementations:

Some options for defining value of variable:

This sounds like what you are looking for: GitHub - d-brown43/obsidian-macros

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