Markdown link suggestion

Use case or problem

I’ve been using obsidian for a few months and has already started tweaking it for a few uses.

Currently when I want to link a file I usually cite it with a wikilink between parenthesis ([]) as it’s pretty clean for my use.

However I’d like to deactivate the wikilink function to only use markdown notation as it can be cleaner (so my vault can be like a cool wikipedia page) but this function is ergonomically not practical in the workflow :

[[filename]] becomes filename and it’s a bore to go back and change the filename to what you want since the cursor is all the way right.

Proposed solution

Just let the cursor in an empty ! (Or put a toggle button).

Instead of filename with the cursor inside the brackets.

It seems logical as the markdown link are primarily used to hide the complete link behind.

Current workaround (optional)

I searched and searched, even tried to make my own plugin and didn’t succeed…

Related feature requests (optional)