My team uses Scrum and has two-week Sprints that start and end on Wednesdays to work on our assigned tasks. I am trying to use the Tasks plugin to create and manage tasks in Cards on a Canvas. The cards are to separate Sprint items into current, future and past Sprints as well as Status such as Available, In Progress, Complete, Blocked, etc. I have code blocks in each card to automatically move tasks to the appropriate card whenever a task is updated. The problem I have is managing if it is the current Sprint or a future Sprint. Since they span two weeks and start/end on Wed, I don’t know how to determine which tasks are in the current sprint without having to manually add the cards or tasks just to move tasks to the appropriate cards? if I could use something like global variables or a way to reference calendar week of the year or something like that?
Any guidance would be appreciated.
i have seem some suggestions about using yaml in front matter fields, but it seems to be specific to using dataview not emoji task view and some suggestions about using Templater to define the variables. I just don’t seem to be having any luck using a variable to filter tasks based on Tags? i.e. Variable “ActiveSprint” Value “Sprint65” and in the Card’s code block reference tag include (Variable ActiveSprint) so that it would include tasks that have the tag #Sprint65