Manage (copy/move) multiple files via global search

Use case or problem

I want to share my notes of certain topic to my friends (copy the files to them). But it’s difficult for me because I’m not use folder for that topic at the first place. I manage my files via backlinks and tags. So selecting files manually (in Windows Explorer) will be cumbersome work, especially with a lot of files, mixed in one folder.

Proposed solution

I think adding “move/copy files” option in global search will be greatly helpful. So I can select notes of certain topic by backlinks or tags query, then move/copy all the notes.

Current workaround (optional)

Not yet find.

Related feature requests (optional)

Managing multiple files :


I have the exact same need. I want to export a part of my notes to share them.

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+1 I really wish bulk file operations were improved in Obsidian. It is about the only major deficiency in what is an otherwise outstanding application.

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Same. I just imported notes from Evernote. For example I have notes that are business cards , tagged #businesscards . I can find them via search, but cannot select them all to move into a “business cards” folder as a group.

Reviving the topic.

Sometimes you just have to do some house cleaning, like moving files under a certain tag/property