What I’m trying to do
Making mind maps or schemes like this: https://i.imgur.com/Rcju5wy.png
I made it using Excalidraw, but it took me so long, because of arrows.
Things I have tried
- Excalidraw
- Canvas (obsidian integrated plugin)
- Faster than Excalidraw
- It uses boxes → not visual
- Arrows are not optimised
- Note with bulleting
- Not visual at all
- Very fast
Excalidraw s scheme is the best I made.
- Advantages: it is very visual, easy understanding, clear, it can be included in obsidian (principal argument)
- Disadvantage: connecting words with curved arrows consumes too much time
So, how could I do this type of schemes faster?
Link to Obsidian s Discord
#excalidraw Help #scheme #chart #mindmap