Make a Conditional Todo List with Tasks and Templater

Plugins Used:

Todos should be in the form of: (remove escaped backticks in your template)

# todo/day-of-the-week

- [ ] 1

- [ ] 2

- [ ] 3


<%* let day ="dd")

if (day == "Su") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/sunday

<%* } else if (day == "Sa") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/saturday

<%* } else if (day == "Fr") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/friday

<%* } else if (day == "Th") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/thursday

<%* } else if (day == "We") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/wednesday

<%* } else if (day == "Tu") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/tuesday

<%* } else if (day == "Mo") { %>

not done
heading includes todo/monday

<%* } else { %>

*error loading day's tasks, check [[Daily Notes Template]] and console*

<%* } %>
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Hi @bram , you could simplify the template if you want like this:

not done
heading includes todo/<%"dddd").toLowerCase() %>

That’s the whole Templater template there, no need for the if/else statements.


@AlanG thank you for the tip, didn’t know I could do that!

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