Maintain casing of link text when linking Unlinked Mentions

Backlinking using the Unlinked Mentions list (“Link”) clobbers the casing of the original text.

Unlinked Mentions list:

Casing clobbered after linking:

What I wanted:

Perhaps solved using a toggle in the Backlinks plugin configuration to maintain the original casing of text when creating Backlinks via Unlinked Mentions.


Good idea! Nothing major but something that has caught my eye as well.

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I just realised this issue (?) as well. I wonder if there’s a workaround for this; I tried adding an alias but it doesn’t work.

In case it helps any future readers of this thread: this seems to be how the app currently works. Case is preserved on the linkified text, and [[Test]], [[test]], [[TEST]] all point to the same note.