“Works for me”. Actually I think export to PDF is provided by the Pandoc Plug-In (community plug-in). I would agree with you that this should be ‘core’ rather than ‘community’.
Thank you for the response! I think there is something wrong with my installation or configuration. I have nothing close to the same context menu as you:
Thank you for the response. This might well be the issue. My context menu is woefully smaller than others and my command-palette too. I’ve not turned on community plugs because it is not the default configuration. I will try that sometime today.
I was looking at Community Plugins in the Settings menu and it said I needed to turn off ‘Safe Mode’. When I hit that switch I get this ominous warning:
This seems to be an official position from the Obsidian developers. It makes it sound like I really shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t want to open my computer up to software that can read any of my files (I am a consultant and I have client data on my computer.) This would even go against the policy terms for my Cyber Insurance.
I haven’t changed anything about themes. I’m running pretty much the stock installation, though I have tried turning on various things to see if a printing or exporting was hidden somewhere.
However, I do have the mobile version (iPhone), I just don’t use it. Could having two versions be breaking something? I did open my phone just now and the context menu does seem suspiciously similar to the context menu on the Mac.
I’m sorry, but something is wrong!
You’re using mobile version: 1.0.4 is the current mobile version! The last desktop version is v0.12.12 (or v0.12.13 for insiders and so one).
I’m in an old Macbook Pro, not a M1 one. But I think the M1 has the ability to allow you to install iOS apps in your computer.
Do you install the app via App Store or via Obsidian website? If the answer is the former, then definitely you have the wrong version (desktop app not available in App Store).
If you open the settings modal the first topic is “Mobile”?