Looking for Android phone for Obsidian - Any Recommendations?

Since this post on Android phones for Obsidian, the Google Pixel 9XL was released.

Did anyone get the chance to test performance of Obsidian on the Pixel 9XL and the S24 Plus or ultra?

The the lower half my S23 Ultra screen stopped working, so I’d like to buy a new phone. (Replacing the screen is incredibly expensive and makes the phone more vulnerable to water and dust, unfortunately).

Never used it, but a fold phone seems to be the best thing for your use case.

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Thank you for replying. I’d rather wait untill the durability of folding phones has improved. A regular one seems to be the best for me because I intend to use the device as long as possible.

Well, that’s a fair answer :slight_smile: . Good luck!

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I’ve been contemplating on buying a newer Samsung Galaxy S23/S24 partially due to the possibility of these to use Samsung Dex, which of supported by Obsidian could mean that one could connect the phone to a larger display and utilise that extra screen estate.

Sadly, I’m not sure whether Obsidian supports this or not, but if it do support it I’d consider that strongly.

For me, Obsidian worked well and fast enough on Dex. But, I have not used it extensively. Some changes in shortcuts might be necessary, but I recall all shortcuts worked using a Bluetooth keyboard.

Was you able to use a larger window when using Dex, @Opi ? Just asking out of curiosity, since I currently can’t test that my self.

It does, and quite well as far as I remember. I have not used it extensively though.

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