Longform plugin - is it possible to make a hierarchy of scenes?

I love longform plugin. This is so awesome.

I am trying to write a really long article / book in longform, and keeping track of various ideas / posts there.

Is it possible put a hierarchy of scenes/notes in longform, or only flat list is available right now?


Only flat list right now. Hierarchy someday: https://github.com/kevboh/longform/issues/11


There’s no reason (I think) why you couldn’t use different ‘drafts’ for different chapters/sections.

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That is an idea. Thanks for that.

I am looking for something like Scrivener, where I can see the whole outline at one time (chapters, sections, subsections). If I keep different chapters in different drafts, I am not able to see both drafts at the same time.

Also, that restricts me from making subsections and “supersections” on the fly.

Thanks for suggesting this though.

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