Long lines do not wrap during table edition

For those having difficulties with the cell content edition whenever the line gets too long (as reported in Word wrap for tables in edit mode).

The workaround is to remove the initial pipe „|“ of the table making the editor to treat the table content as wrapped during edition.

ex (no wrap):

| head | head2 |
|—— | ——- |
| step 1 | lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla |

ex (wrapped):

head | head2 |
|—— | ——- |
| step 1 | lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla lorem ipsum blablabla |

At the end of editing, you can put back the initial pipe.

I hope this will help

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