Live-Preview: problems with text selection across multiple list items

Steps to reproduce

  1. Have a list with multiple items
  2. Make a text selection which partially selects both items
  3. Press space or type any character (delete and backspace work properly)

Expected result

Actual result

  • The link on the list item where the selection ends will be broken and padded with zero-width-space characters


  • Operating system: Win10
  • Debug info:
      	Obsidian version: v0.13.23
      	Installer version: v0.13.14
      	Operating system: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19043
      	Login status: logged in
      	Catalyst license: none
      	Insider build toggle: off
      	Live preview: on
      	Legacy editor: off
      	Base theme: dark
      	Community theme: Obsidian Nord
      	Snippets enabled: 3
      	Safe mode: on
      	Custom theme: for cosmetic issues, please first try updating your theme to latest. If still not fixed, please try to make the issue happen in the help vault or disable community theme and snippets.

Also reproduced with the default theme.


this was fixed

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