List of supported fonts

Is there a list of supported fonts for obsidian? I found some fonts that I like (for example, Roboto Mono), but it doesn’t seem like all of them are available.

Pretty much any font, assuming you’re using the “Custom CSS” plugin.

Install it on your system, edit obsidian.css in your vault, and place something like this:

/* normal text outside of headings and code of editor */
.cm-s-obsidian, .mod-single-child .cm-s-obsidian {
  font-family: "Roboto Mono";

/* normal text outside of headings and code of preview */
.markdown-preview-view, .mod-single-child .markdown-preview-view {
  font-family: "Roboto Mono";

If you’ve installed a font while you have Obsidian running, note that you’ll need to restart Obsidian for it to pick up the new font.