List all Metadata Created?

Things I have tried

As I tend to create metadata spontaneously inline (e.g. New Basic Field::Value), is there a dataview query to see all my fields? Sometimes I create a field within a note and then forget about it.

What I’m trying to do


In a single note you can use this inline query:


But this gives you a list of all metadata in that note: implicit fields + created fields.

(you need to enable inline js queries in Settings > Dataview)


Sorry, I should’ve clarified. I’d like a query to list metadata in ALL of my notes

Do you try the inline query?
Sorry, but I can’t publish here a query for all notes (a table with the pages + metadata) because the risk of performance issues!
If you tried the previous inline query, can you imagine a similar list multiplied for all your notes?

I have the same problem. The way I found to solve it: create a query for each metadata

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