Linux - obsidian icon not showing up on taskbar [SOLVED]

What I’m trying to do

I am using AwesomeWM on Gentoo, and have had the following problem ever since first installing Obsidian on my system: no icon shows up on my taskbar when I open an instance of Obsidian. I have tried, and have found quite a few posts asking about this problem, but all of them were archived, since no answer was given.

Things I have tried

I’ve tried all the other suggestions in previous posts, but nothing worked for me.
What actually worked, and might help somebody else too:

  1. Open obsidian
  2. Go to Settings/Appearance/Custom App Icon → Choose
  3. Search for the obsidian.png files in your icons folder (most likely presiding in /usr/share/icons/hicolor), and pick a resolution approppriate for the size of your taskbar
  4. Relaunch Obsidian
  5. Bask in the glory of your now-fuctional taskbar icon.