[Linux] Drag and drop not working and Attachments not refeshing

Steps to reproduce

Actual result

Under Ubuntu MATE and obsidian 0.6.4, I can’t seem to drop an image into the text like I can in windows. I can add it manually to the attachment folder but that folder doesn’t get refreshed until I restart obsidian -only then can I now insert that image.


  • Operating system: ubuntu mate
  • Obsidian version:0.6.4
  • Using custom CSS: nil

Additional information

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I stumbled over the same issue. (though on NixOS)

Quite annoying. I also have an additional issue: after dragging in an image, nothing happens, but in addition the Vim mode breaks after dragging in the file - I can’t go back to insert mode until the app has lost and regained focus (by moving the mouse out and back in).

I am having the same problems (can’t drag and drop, attachments folder won’t refresh). Running Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS and Obsidian 0.6.4.

Initially, it used to take 2-3 tries before drag and drop of images used to work but now it has stopped working completely.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Drag and drop images from image viewer or file manager in Linux

Expected result

The file gets embedded

Actual result

Nothing happens.


  • Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Obsidian version: 0.7.3
  • Using custom CSS: 80s Neon by deathau

Additional information

in 0.7.3 the folder refreshing should be fixed btw

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Super late reply on my part but yes it’s working perfectly now!

I am facing the same isssue. Try to drag and drop pictures but nothing happens.
I am using windows 10 as my OP. The pictures are in a different folder and in the settings I use the absolute path.

Any idea what should I do?

Cheers Richard