Links/dates in my daily note don't pull their values properly (but same code in weekly notes works great)

Things I have tried

Small edits here and there, but not sure what to try as it works great in my weekly note.

What I’m trying to do

I am using templater and periodic notes to make weekly notes with links to the days in the week. This is functioning great! In my weekly note template, I have the following:

**[[{{date:gggg}}-W{{date:ww}}|W{{date:ww}}]]** || S [[d. Periodic Notes/{{sunday:gggg}}/Daily/{{sunday:MM-MMMM}}/{{sunday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{sunday:DD}}]] | M [[d. Periodic Notes/{{monday:gggg}}/Daily/{{monday:MM-MMMM}}/{{monday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{monday:DD}}]] | T [[d. Periodic Notes/{{tuesday:gggg}}/Daily/{{tuesday:MM-MMMM}}/{{tuesday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{tuesday:DD}}]] | W [[d. Periodic Notes/{{wednesday:gggg}}/Daily/{{wednesday:MM-MMMM}}/{{wednesday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{wednesday:DD}}]] | T [[d. Periodic Notes/{{thursday:gggg}}/Daily/{{thursday:MM-MMMM}}/{{thursday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{thursday:DD}}]] | F [[d. Periodic Notes/{{friday:gggg}}/Daily/{{friday:MM-MMMM}}/{{friday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{friday:DD}}]] | S [[d. Periodic Notes/{{saturday:gggg}}/Daily/{{saturday:MM-MMMM}}/{{saturday:gggg-MM-DD-dddd}}|{{saturday:DD}}]]

… which, for example, results as the following when I use “Periodic Notes: Open weekly note”.

**[[2022-W40|W40]]** || S [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-25-Sunday|25]] | M [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-26-Monday|26]] | T [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-27-Tuesday|27]] | W [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-28-Wednesday|28]] | T [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-29-Thursday|29]] | F [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/09-September/2022-09-30-Friday|30]] | S [[d. Periodic Notes/2022/Daily/10-October/2022-10-01-Saturday|01]]

More visually, it results in this following image (there are not daily notes for Sun 25, Fri 30, and Sat 01).

When I copy/paste the initial block into my daily note template, however, the “pulling in” of the actual dates doesn’t happen, and I end up with the same initial block of code as is in the template, without the actual dates/values substituted in.

The weekly note is being created exactly as I want, and with templater’s “enable folder templates”, I can just click on the links in my weekly note to jump to existing notes and create ones I haven’t made yet. The rest of the daily note template loads and runs properly, pulling in a daily quote, the title, and a self-referencing link I can feed to the One Thing app really easily. Just can’t figure out why it works in one context (weekly notes), but not another (daily notes).

Thanks for any and all ideas!

I found my answer - weekly notes in periodic notes have access to day names, but not daily notes. So when I have the weekdays written out in the weekly note, it knows what to do with that, but the daily note doesn’t have that so gets stuck.

Going to look into Obsidian Block References & Transclusion to try to get the same intended result. Fingers crossed!

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Following closely and hoping Periodic Notes gets its long overdue update soon (as was said by smiller better than me on github)

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