Link to an in-vault page with the Buttons plugin

Pretty sure this is a super simple solution! I’ve pinned a single page to use as a dashboard. I’m using using the Buttons plugin to add a set of buttons on this page.

My button to open today’s daily note works great:

name Open Daily Note
type command
action Daily notes: Open today's daily note
color green

I’d like to direct-link to an existing note using the Buttons plugin. I tried using the link button, but the button isn’t clickable:

name Open Inbox
type link
action Inbox 
color green

I tried using the Obsidian URL but the button isn’t clickable:

name Open Inbox
type link
action obsidian://open?vault=notes&file=Inbox 
color green

Also tried calling the page with the brackets, but the button still isn’t clickable.

name Open Inbox
type link
action [[Inbox]]
color green

I want to use the Buttons plugin because I want a bunch of aesthetically-pleasing buttons that all look the same, whether they call commands or link to pages or whatever else. I’m using Obsidian v0.16.2 on Linux Mint 20. What am I missing?

If you don’t get an answer here, check the the plugin’s page to see if the developer offers a support contact, or file a question in its GitHub issues.

Hi, to open a note it worked for me to use:

name ButtonName
type link
action obsidian://vault/NameOfYourVault/NameOfYourNote

this actually calls the obsidian app “from outside”, but it works


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