I’m using METADATA MENU and META-BIND for retrieve data from notes.
Some of my notes are longer than 100 rows.
When I have to choose a row using METADATA MENU - SUGGESTER or META-BIND SUGGESTER,
the SUGGESTER stops reading all the rows of the note.
It look like has a limitation of rows on reading.
Has someone a trick to lenghten the limitation of the SUGGESTER ?
Here below i put a screenshot of what I intend for the Suggester.
I’m not quite sure I follow all of your setup, but are you sure it’s limited in the value set it is using vs the value set it’s displaying?
What I mean is that some of the suggesters start out displaying a given set of values but you need to enter some search candidates for it to limit the total set and display more candidates.
I feel that wasn’t a good explanation, so let’s try an example. Say you got a list with all the numbers from 10 through 999, and the suggester is displaying only 10 numbers. It starts out with displaying only 10-19, and you can scroll and don’t see the rest of the list.
However, if you enter 2 the list will shift to show 12, and 20-28. And if you enter another digit like 3, it’ll show: 23, 123, 223, and 230-236. The displayed set is always a given size, but it’s limited by the search candidates, even if the entire set is much larger.
I’m not sure this is the case for you, but for many suggesters in Obsidian this is indeed the case. You’ll then need to search for some part of your result to locate a specific entry which is outside of the initial set of displayed suggestion.
Hi holroy.
Its right for the Basic suggester.
You are saying about launch programs in Obsidian.
Instead when using Meta-data Menu plugin and Meta-bind plugin, When I configure them to expose me the content of a note (in which I have items to select), there’s no search Row.
And not having the search Row, the scrolling stops in about half the note.