Life Map/Compass

I love the idea of the Life Map or Compass as featured in Nick Milo’s LYT/Ideaverse Kit.

But I’m pretty fuzzy on what its components really are. These are largely blank in the kit (and understandably so, since they’re pretty personal), so I’m having a hard time getting a clear picture of what “inputs” are here, even though they all seem valuable.

Anyone already using this, or something similar, who can clarify or wants to discuss this overall idea?

The Life Map template note includes links to:

  • My Roles
  • My Permissions
  • My Environment
  • My Tools
  • My Experiences
  • Life Reflections
  • My Virtues
  • My Skills
  • My Spark List
  • My Manifesto
  • My Goals
  • My Obituary (okay, @nickmilo , I have to know: are you writing your actual full, word-for-word obituary for your friends/family to cut-and-paste later?)

Some of these are more self-explanatory than others, and some could be understood in more than one way, depending on who’s doing the reading. (Which is both good and bad. It makes for the ability to personalize, but also might lead to unwittingly overlooking a valuable usage.)

Anyway…I’m interested in discussion of how you would interpret these categories/what you would include or link in them, and/or other uses of a similar compass note like this.


I would like some clarification also

It’s surely a very personal thing.
Talking about compass rather than life map, I don’t have an explicit one, but facing an idea or a concept I often ask myself, spontaneously:

  • do I agree?
  • this is useful for…
  • this thing is similar to…
  • I can generalize or abstract this to…
  • can I extract a claim, a rule or principle?

The process is rather simple for me.
For example, when I’ve met the concept of the compass idea model, I’ve asked myself:

  • is it a good idea? yes
  • is it useful for me? yes
  • can I think something more generic? yes, there is not a single compass idea model, everyone can develop the suitable compass for himself.

Yesterday I listed out everything: all the topics, activities, and roles I participate in. It’s a very long list. I started organizing them under what seemed like the most natural headings. These headings could become folders, MOCs, or the first level of a nested tag, depending on what it is, but I’m still trying to figure that out.

You made this post in October, so I’m really keen to see where you’ve taken things since then.

Thanks! Glad to know I’m not the only one trying to map it all out.

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Here are the notes from my Zettelkasten mapped to my Wheel of Life:

The chart is created dynamically by Dataview and the Obsidian Charts plugin. The values are calculated by filtering existing tags from my notes.

My learning:

If the ideas in your Zettelkasten don’t support the goals on your wish list, it’s a call for a purposeful realignment.

Career: #theme/work OR #theme/management OR #theme/datastory OR #theme/agile OR #theme/facilitation OR #theme/thinking OR #theme/writing OR #theme/sketchnotes

Learn: #theme/learning OR #theme/ai OR #theme/pkm OR #theme/zettelkasten OR #theme/obsidian

Relationships: #theme/community OR #theme/family OR #theme/wol OR #theme/socialmedia OR #theme/sketchnotes

Wealth: #theme/finance OR #theme/living OR #theme/travel

Health: #theme/health OR #theme/self OR #theme/sports OR #theme/climbing OR #theme/hiking OR #theme/swimming OR #theme/skiing OR #theme/cooking OR #theme/psychology


I haven’t done much with it since then, to be honest. I like the idea, but haven’t really gotten my head around how to implement it.

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Oooh; mapping it to the Wheel of Life is smart.

I don’t know that mine would correlate exactly, even in the ideal scenario. Because my vault is largely information, and my relationships, for instance, don’t revolve so much around information, I wouldn’t expect them to be as heavily represented, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

But it’s certainly something we would want to thoughtfully decide doesn’t need to correspond, rather than just overlooking that certain areas are underrepresented, when maybe they shouldn’t be.

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Have I look at my note “Wheel of Life - Related Ideas” including the Dataview script. It’s here on GitHub: Obsidian-Templates/5_Structure Notes/Wheel of Life - Related at main · groepl/Obsidian-Templates · GitHub

Feel free to ask any questions.

Such a strict rule. No room in life’s Zk for serendipity, confusion, seeking, fun, or just because “maybe, someday”?

There’s a lot of room in my Zettelkasten. And “maybe, someday” there is a need to realign my goals. :wink:

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My emotional needs (place numbers between 1-5)

My goals, basically decision tree (excalidraw) where the root is fundamental goal (I’d rather use the word “theme” or direction as usually use the word “goal” with a number and date)

Timeline of my life

(Excalidraw) Cannot show, very personal, but it’s a line with ups and downs representing good/bad times which tons of pictures + i wrote chapters as if i was a hero in a story or smthing
I also use 4 variables to assess metrics in my life throughout this timeline (numbers summed, between 0-5)

I use a markdown table to list my values

Cheatsheet i share with new people (personality type, attachment style, love language, work style, etc.)

Assessment of life areas

I love to use maps to think, in fact our brain is a map

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