Lazy • A capture tool for knowledge

Came across this in my twitter feed today:

See the thread for details and a cool video.

I am not about to dump Obsidian and the insane amount of customisability it offers to replace it with a very opinionated (not in a bad way) PKM and knowledge capture tool, but I must admit I’m a little envious of the quick capture interface and the flexibility it seems to offer across devices and input sources.

Is there anything this sophisticated available for obsidian?


Not that sophisticated, but Readwise,, and MarkDownload are the best tools I’ve found for web capture. is free so I use that for web highlighting & notetaking, and there’s a plugin to automatically sync with Obsidian. MarkDownload is great when you just want to capture a page without marking it up.

That said, this tool looks great! Would be cool to see it integrated with Obsidian, if possible.


Wow. That universal clipping and quick capture is nice. Definitely something I wish I had for the last 10 years, and I like the interface. If you’re on mac I assume everyone knows about, but there’s nothing as cool as this that I know of right now.

I’m using - for bookmarking, but it also has a cool highlighting feature which gets stored.

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Looks interesting for sure. But does it have obsidian integration?

Would you be interested on a plugin for quickly capture thoughts and web clips for Obsidian?

I’m a big fan of Things3 capture dialog. I’m missing this in obsidian. I’m not sure if there’s something similar already in the ecosystem, if not, I would consider working on one.

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I feel like it’s not a plug-in that would be needed, but a capture-and-sort app that would integrate with Obsidian, but I feel like a plug-in is overkill if you can open obsidian : new file in inbox folder, solved.

What Lazy and Things do better than Obsidian is that they allow you to capture something without leaving the app you want to capture your idea from. It removes friction. It’s not ”what” but “how” it does it that defines Things and Lazy.

A plug-in would not be the way for me.

An external application that would allow me to capture something SUPER quickly and without ANY friction, from my Mac and from my iPhone, yes, I would ditch Things for that.

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Maybe this?

It’s a subscription based tool with 30 free captures (bummer), but yes indeed

I recently found Drafts which does a very good job at it for free (there is a premium version, but the free version is already great)

link please! @jeandanslalune

Sure Let Me Google That