Latex render error with example

I have below latex

& D_{K L}(\text { sleep_guide } \| \text { underslept }) \\
=&-\sum_{(f l, i a) \in\{T, F\}^{2}} P_{\text {guide }}(f l, i a)\left(\log P_{\text {model }}(f l, i a \mid a s=6)-\log P_{\text {guide }}(f l, i a)\right) \\
=-& E_{f l, i a \sim P_{\text {guide }}}\left[\log P_{\text {model }}(f l, i a \mid a s=6)-\log P_{\text {guide }}(f l, i a)\right]

Output is :

But obsidian can’t render:

@mithril This is the underscore in \text{sleep_guide} what causes problems. You need to use \_ when in text mode: \text{sleep\_guide}.

That’s not standard latex, if I copy the content to another editor, it would show like

So, I treat this as a bug.

I also tested in vscode markdown all in one extension , add \ to _ is not a standard way:


If you have only used vscode, you don’t know what standard latex is.
Show me the output of this working in latex, running an actual latex compiler.

Not only vscode , I show two programs .
What do you mean an actual latex compiler ?

I always use this :

That’s not latex, that’s using an emulator. vscode uses an emulator. Obsidian uses emulator.

In LaTeX, real latex, you need to add \.

This contains a real latex system

OK, I get it . miktex is too complicated for me , I even can’t render a correct output …

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