Kusto (KQL) support is in prismjs but not in Obsidian

Use case or problem

Prismjs must be outdated as no support for Kusto (KQL)

Proposed solution

Update prismjs to a version that supports Kusto (KQL). Kusto was supported in prismjs for code blocks from around September 2021, so we simply need an updated version pushed to Obsidian, I believe. This is key for anyone working with this, which is likely a whole host of people using Microsoft security tooling such as Microsoft Defender or Sentinel.

Current workaround (optional)


Related feature requests (optional)


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Perhaps this is clear to someone who knows what Kusto is. But can you please give a bit more context?

Are you talking about color syntax highlighting for a language? Or is it a variation on how to render code blocks? Or a syntax like mermaid?

If you please, just give a bit more context so if this gets addressed, the developers can know exactly what to look for. (Maybe I’m missing something obvious. If so, sorry.)


So the prismjs integration for Obsidian basically means so you can format code blocks like this:

print("Hello world")


SELECT * from *;

Another language that is supported by prismjs but not by Obsidian, is Kusto Query Language, so you should be able to do:

| where name == "Test"

But the kusto integration doesn’t work within Obsidian, therefore Obsidian must be running an outdated version of prismjs as prismjs added this support in September 2021 - Added support for Kusto by RunDevelopment · Pull Request #3068 · PrismJS/prism · GitHub

Hope that makes sense?

EDIT: Interestingly my formatting works here! But not in the main Obsidian release.


@krsecurity I can’t say with any certainty at all, but perhaps when Obsidian begins using the recently released 1.26.0 version of Prismjs, maybe it will go through. I know there was a short lag between MAXScript’s recently added Prismjs support and when it actually came through into Obsidian. For me, I am kind of in the same boat after that September release of 1.25.0 since there have been some major improvements to how my language of interest gets highlighted. So, I too am excitedly looking forward to that next upgrade. I know it is just colorful words, but it really exponentially enhances this aspect of the Obsidian experience. My advice would just simply be to hang tight because the wait will definitely be worth it. You may even appreciate it more after not having taken it for granted, not that you would. Good luck! I hope that the prism helps you find happiness at the end of the rainbow.


Any updates on this? I use KQL a lot and it would be very appreciated to support it, I know other folks in the same boat as well.

Editor and Reader use two different highlighter. Reader uses prismjs and is updated. We have no control over them. When things get added upstream we get the updates.

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