Kindle Highlights Plugin - Adding Tags from ISBN or Amazon Categories

Use case or problem

Importing my entire Kindle library into Obsidian via the Kindle Highlights plugin. While I have nearly 800 books, only 15% had highlights, so I have been spending some time over the past few days opening all Kindle book and highlighting one section, usually the title.

Restart Obsidian every once in a while and then run through 30~50 titles and allow them to be downloaded to a “Books” folder, before putting them into two subfolders, Fiction and Non-Fiction.

Most of my collection is non-fiction, ranging from language study, history, work-related, etc, so there are subfolders to be categorize books into a most relevant category.

Before I dive into it, I have been considering how to make the categorization process more streamlined before diving into a long, arduous manual process.

Proposed solution

One possible solution is the Kindle Highlights app has a link to the original book, and one option would be to click on the Amazon access link, and then scrape the Category and Sub-Category info, which would be imported into a spreadsheet, then formatted automatically before being pasted into manually into each entry as pages or tags.

Current workaround (optional)

Doing it manually…

Related feature requests (optional)

Also wondering if the Kindle Highlight app could access do this automatically, check the variables, but did not see that tags or topics would be possible.

you need to send this FR to the Kindle Highlights plugin on their github.

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