What I’m trying to do
I’m trying to…use the software. It was working perfectly right before I went to bed last night. I got up this morning and it’s malfunctioning. I can type, but nothing else on my keyboard seems to work. I can’t ctrl-c/ctrl-v, I can’t delete, etc.
Things I have tried
I rebooted my computer first, thinking it was an overall Windows issue. But, as it turns out, I’m not having this problem anywhere else; only in Obsidian. I can copy/paste in my browser, for instance.
When I rebooted, and Obsidian restarted, I got the message that I have to reinstall Obsidian because there’s an update, so I did that, expecting that would also fix this weird glitch. It did not. Obsidian is pretty dysfunctional if I can’t copy, paste, or delete, but I have no idea where to start to find the source of such a weird problem, especially since it just magically appeared literally overnight.
ETA: Plot twist: it’s only this one vault. My other Obsidian vault is still working as expected.