Keep track of sold prints

I would like to keep an overview of the prints I have sold.
I’m retired and sell a few prints each year, just for keep buying film.
For now I have a basic setup, with a clients folder and a prints folder.
In the client note, I fill in the imageID and some information about the print

The note of the print has only a lookup towards the clients that have the imageID in the properties (also the titel is the imageID)

adaption must be - WHERE contains(BeeldID, link(

This works, until you have a client who going to buy a second print - never happend before.
I have no idea to solve this.
Also how can I create a list of images and there clients

Not sure of Obsidian is the tool for this, but after finding this software I have everything in once place and this is great.

Some feedback:
I have found this topic that has the same problem.

So I have adapted all the notes so that they have the same BeeldenID property.

this is the code I use for showing all

But values from the 01- Personen

After a lot of thinking, I have decided to go the ‘database’ way.
A directory with notes of clients
A directory with notes of prints (just a referent to a actual image) with preview
A directory Orders, here I can put in the name of the client, print per note and other information how. I have created this print
This way if someone orders multiple prints, I can add them, also from the orders I can ‘see’ everything.