Kanban Plugin

Could you please tell me the name of the plugin that keeps the h1 on the page in sync with the file name? I have the same problem but don’t know which plugin to disable

This one?

@mgmeyers Just installed the Kanban Plugin (working in Obsidian on the iPad) and the submit butten doesn’t seem to work… For renaming a List i can simply click the x and the name is applied, but when i try to add a new task, nothing happens, when i click submit. Also both enter and shift+enter are adding a new line and are not creating the task. Can someone help me with that?

did you solve this?
I have a trick: you just set a new hotkeys for “Kanban: Toggle between Kanban and md mode” (I used ctrl+k) so you can easily switch from kanban to md. Also works if you need to edit the datafields of the kanban file itself (I tag the kanban files) or just to refresh it.

Hey, do you know a way to filter down my kanban board based on tags? I have looked eveywhere in osbidian / google but I haven’t found anything suitable so far. Am I missing something or this just not possible? Thanks!



I just added a couple of tags #-t1- and #-t2- to a kanban I’ve been experimenting with …
Google Photos
Markdown …
Google Photos
kanban_by_tag_query [thanks to Craig]

path:“2 do/kanbans”

Google Photos
Google Photos
It’s more of a search result than a filter as it doesn’t give you the result within the existing Kanban display.

Perhaps using Kanban’s “Display tag colors” might achieve better tag visibility within the Kanban structure:
Google Photos

Hi @ichmoimeyo! Thanks for the reply and the suggested solution.
You’re nailed it “It’s more of a search result than a filter as it doesn’t give you the result within the existing Kanban display” but it’s clearly better than nothing.

I have already implemented tags colors and it looks great (I suggest you use the “Colorful Tag” plugin so that tags color are available everywhere in obsidian, not just in your kanban board). I would just like to see a little dropdown at the top of my board so I can filter on one or many tags (OR operator would be more than enough) allowing me to zoom on that specific project(s) (=tags).

Something like that would be amazing

I’m trying to build to corresponding by myself (using chatGPT as the assistant), I’ll share things if I manage to build something that works! Cheers

Nirvana …
Google Photos
from Effective ways to filter your Trello board
free trello plan

… doing it all from within Obsidian


I’ll try and implement this soon … unless you get there first :slight_smile:


Quick suggestion: It would be nice to have an option in the context menu for each list to “Archive cards without notes”. I like my cards where I’ve added notes to remain in my “Done” lists but the simple cards without notes I don’t really care to keep around.

Is there a way to auto-populate a list with embedded checkboxes? I explain better: as in Checklist plugin, which shows a list of all the (unchecked) checkboxes that are under the tag #todo in the entire Vault, I would like to autopopulate a specific list of all the checkboxes that are under a specific tag. Why? Because at every meeting, in the meeting’s note, I create a list of things I have to do. I would like to automatically find them in my Kanban board (embedded, so if I check them in the board, they will be checked also in the original note). Is there a way to do this?

@Mortacci Here is a generic version of my myK.md …


kanban-plugin: basic


## DO

- [ ] DO_Priority1 #-01-(colored tag)
- [ ] DO_P2 #-02-
- [ ] DO_P3 #-03-
- [ ] DO_P4 #-04-
- [ ] [DAILY](obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=YourVaultNAME&daily=true)
- [ ] [tasks](../tasks/tasks.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due<br>```

## WHEN?

- [ ] Procrastinator's Dream
- [ ] ¿¿

## D_after_T

- [ ] EMAIl_P2 #-02-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_D_after_T](../tasks/tasks_D_after_T.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done <br>due after tomorrow <br>sort by due<br> ```


- [ ] BUY_P1 #-01-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_TOMORROW](../tasks/tasks_TOMORROW.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done <br>due tomorrow <br> ```


- [ ] RUN #-01-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_TODAY](../tasks/tasks_TODAY.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done<br>due today<br> ```



- [ ] [DAILY](obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=YourVaultNAME&daily=true)

opens up today’s daily note with the help of the Advanced URI plugin.


- [ ] [tasks](../tasks/tasks.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due<br>```

tasks.md consists of

not done
sort by due

ACT.md is a markmind/markdown note I can toggle with Alt+M.

[ ] ```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due
this lists my ‘not done’ tasks’ sorted by due

This is purely VISUAL, clicking on it causes an error; however this way I can see my tasks and to change them, all I have to do is click on the tasks.md in the card just above & reverting back to the myK.md the “visual” tasks list will also have been updated.


I do the same with …

tasks_D_after_T.md (tasks due after tomorrow)


It’s a little awkward but it works for me.

1 Like

Thanks! Unfortunately I need to have every single checkbox embedded in a different kanban card, because then I need to manually move them to other lists depending on their urgency

Can Kanban page be pinned somehow to the left panel with its own icon (somewhere below Open command palette icon)? Alternatively I would like to place its icon next to where Search and Bookmarks are. When I pin Kanban page to Expand panel it doesn’t open in full window width.

I’ve updated the generic version of my “myK.md” combining …

- [ ] [tasks](../tasks/tasks.md)
- [ ] ```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due<br>```

into one

- [ ] [tasks](../tasks/tasks.md)(edit) ```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due<br>```

so that the editing and visual/non-editable are in the same card.

I’ve done the same with …
tasks_D_after_T.md (tasks due after tomorrow)


kanban-plugin: basic


## DO

- [ ] DO_P1 #-01-
- [ ] DO_P2 #-02-
- [ ] DO_P3 #-03-
- [ ] DO_P4 #-04-
- [ ] [DAILY](obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=YourVaultNAME&daily=true)
- [ ] [tasks](../tasks/tasks.md)(edit)<br>```tasks<br>not done<br>sort by due<br>```

## WHEN?

- [ ] Procrastinator's Dream
- [ ] ¿¿

## DUE_after_TOM

- [ ] EMAIl_P2 #-02-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_D_after_T](../tasks/tasks_D_after_T.md)(edit)<br>```tasks<br>not done <br>due after tomorrow <br>sort by due<br> ```


- [ ] BUY_P1 #-01-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_TOMORROW](../tasks/tasks_TOMORROW.md)(edit)<br>```tasks<br>not done <br>due tomorrow <br> ```


- [ ] RUN #-01-
- [ ] ¿?
- [ ] [tasks_TODAY](../tasks/tasks_TODAY.md)(edit)<br>```tasks<br>not done<br>due today<br> ```


Hello! I’m configuring my task lists with this plugin. I would like to show the status of a cards in kanban view (image 1) based on the “Status” property in the note itself (see image below). Right now I have to manually type the status tag on the card as shown. Is this possible?

Image 1:

Image 2:

I appreciate any help/feedback.

Yes. While inside the kanban, there is a board setting icon at the upper right. In there, you can configure which properties from the linked files that you want to display in the cards.

I apologize, as im a newbie.
But im trying to find out if theres a way to “minimize a card” to just its headline?
(for example, i want to put a topic headline with bullet points below, but be able to minimize and hide the bullet points on each individual card)
by the research iv done, i havent been able to find a way.
And if there isnt a way, id love to suggest it as a potential future feature (:
(my apologies as i do not know how to properly submit a feature request)

What is the current development status of the Kanban plugin? Is it still actively maintained? When can we expect further development of the plugin? Thank you!


I would also love for any news on potential updates to this plugin, and one of the features I’d like would be to collapse a lane. However, since I’m sometimes a little impatient I implemented the following workaround: Add #_/vert to the lane title and watch the magic of the CSS below unfold.

[href="#_/vert"] {
    display: none;

.kanban-plugin__lane-wrapper:has([href="#_/vert"]) {
    width: inherit !important;

    & .kanban-plugin__lane-header-wrapper {
        /* Set the basis for a vertical layout of the header */
        display: flex; 
        flex-direction: column; 
        justify-content: center;

        /* Add a border around the lane */
        border: 1px solid var(--background-modifier-border);
        border-radius: var(--input-radius);

        /* Try to align the grip with the other grips */
        & .kanban-plugin__lane-grip {
            padding-top: 5px;

        /* Rotate the title text */
        & .kanban-plugin__lane-title {
            width: auto !important; /* */
            min-height: 80px !important; 
            /* background-color: green; /* */
            text-orientation: mixed;
            writing-mode: vertical-rl;
            padding-top: 10px;
            padding-bottom: 10px; 
    /* Hide the actual list when in vertical mode */
    & .kanban-plugin__item-button-wrapper,
    & .kanban-plugin__lane-items {
        display: none;

Now a test KanBan of mine looks like this:


And when doing edit list you can see:

This addition seems to also respect lane dragging, and so on… :smiley:

Now onto to finding a way to use a command, maybe through QuickAdd, to toggle the list status. Or even better, maybe an icon or ctrl/cmd-clicking the drag handle? Well, that’s for another day.


Hello. :slight_smile: I’m trying to figure out if there’s any CSS that can set a date colour for something that’s due soon that doesn’t seem to be covered by the “Between now and…” setting. I’m trying to set a specific colour for a date that is from one week (7 days) before the due date. If I try “Between now and 7 days Before now” in the settings, it doesn’t work. (and there’s no “Between today and…” setting). For CSS, I have everything working for for .kanban-plugin__item.is-past / item.is-today / item.is-future / item.is-complete. But I can’t find a way to set a color for something that’s due soon within a specific time frame according to the due date that isn’t overridden by the other colour settings. Are there any options for this scenario? Thanks! :smiley:

P.S. Thank you so much for this plugin! I’m still playing around to get it set up the way I’d like, but it’s really nice.