Kanban Plugin Video Tutorial

Hey everyone!

I just made a video tutorial and overview of the amazing Kanban Plugin
kanban plugin by @mgmeyers

It allows us to create these style of boards, at the style of Trello or any other kanban board app

Example covered on my video

FOr instance one can easily keep track of films to watch

Thanks @mgmeyers for the excellent work!


This plugin looks great. Thanks @mgmeyers

I know it’s kanban but what if the lists were also stackable?

Thanks for the video overview.

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It’s a really cool plugin. What do you mean by stackable? I was testing “a board within a board” which works by creating a new card and adding the YAML

kanban-plugin: basic

but not sure if that’s similar to your idea of “stackable” feel free to elaborate on what you mean

In the thumbnail of the video I saw that you managed to embed pictures into the card of the board, how did you do that? I haven’t been able to do put in anything other then text.

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By stackable I meant like a grid, not just a horizontal row. Rows and columns. Similar to google keep I guess.

Thanks for posting about this plugin. I didn’t know it. I’m using it for outlining fiction. I have columns for act 1 through act 5.

I was thinking if it was like a grid I could outline multiple story lines.

As far as kanban it could be swim lanes.

I’ve never needed kanban boards. I created my own productivity system a long time ago that uses one big list with three levels. I float everything up instead of across.

Active (limit of 5)

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5

Opportunity (keep it under 12)

Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 4
Item 5
Item 6
Item 7
Item 8

Backlog (everything else/unlimited)

Item 1
Item 2
sometimes hundreds of todo in backlog.

That’s interesting idea, I haven’t used Google Keep to be honest, so I’m not fully familiar with this concept. But I’ll keep exploring what’s possible with kanban in Obsidian.

Good to see you have a cool workflow of lists

I get you, I managed to add images with a couple of tricks

first you need to Open as markdown when you are in a kanban board

seems like images don’t work on the normal way yet for kaban.

In that case I use the plugin I discusses in this video

hope that help!