Kanban Board rendered from markdown

I’m just getting started integrating obsidian into my workflow, but I like generating ideas in obsidian and managing the execution in imdone. While I’m in Obsidian generating ideas I can just leave myself a little task with something like this…

## [Add feature x to release x.xx.x](#TODO:0)

and it shows up in imdone like this…
Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 6.36.19 PM

I can also add some metadata and tags like this…

## [Add feature x to release x.xx.x](#TODO:0)
+feature due:2021-02-05

Screen Shot 2021-02-01 at 6.41.55 PM

If I want the #TODO to get recognized as a tag in Obsidian, I can also do this…

#TODO:0 ## Add feature x to release x.xx.x
+feature due:2021-02-05