Iterate through files in the file sidebar with keyboard

+1. Should have all the side panels controllable by hot keys generally.

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+1 would really love this

It would be nice to have this built in.

I think it’s been mentioned once or twice in this thread, but the community plug-in (desktop only unfortunately) “Quick Explorer” is great for keyboard navigation of your vault.

I’ve set hotkeys for show current file and show the vault root. A drop down lets me navigate anywhere with the keyboard arrows or hitting the first few letters of a file/folder.

  • 1 for this - really surprised that everything isn’t keyboard navigable in an app like this

Would love to have this too please.


+1. So necessary.

+1 this is very necessary. Not having it breaks the flow and greatly reduces efficiency and the ability the ability to scan through my notes.

+1, very necessary for a quick workflow

We really need this, a lot of people prefer to avoid having to reach for the mouse if at all possible.

Yes, me too. +1

+1 :pray: :pray: :pray:

Please implement this. It’s probably the one stumbling block that I still have with using and navigating in the app and it would so great to smooth it out.


+1. It’s jarring to have to use the mouse for the file explorer when practically everything else in the app is (or can be) keyboard based.

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I’ve put together an MVP plugin here. It adds commands to open the next/previous note in the file explorer.

Note that the plugin is currently a simple proof-of-concept with only limited testing. It navigates only markdown files within the parent folder of the currently opened note, in alphabetical order by note name.


I’ve tried to use this plugin, and even though my files are sorted in alphabetical order, it seems to navigate randomly. Well, it’s not completely random, it often moves to the very next file, but sometimes it doesn’t. I wonder if I’m doing something wrong.

It’s working correctly now.


Will be implemented in v0.15.0


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I am reopening this thread for the following reasons:

  • The ability to select files with the keyboard was implemented. But this feature request specifically talked about “flicking through” files quickly. As the request was worded, I don’t believe this has been implemented.

“I often want to flick through my files but it is not easy if I have to click on each one.”

  • This was an incredibly popular feature request.

  • The current implementation does allow for navigating by keyboard, but it doesn’t allow “iterating” through notes quickly. As in automatically opening the note as you browse up and down with the keyboard. If you wanted to quickly iterate through notes, you would have to:

    • “Files: show file explorer” (moves focus to files pane)
    • Hit down (activates the keyboard browse)
    • Hit down (moves the file down)
    • Hit enter (opens the note and moves focus to the note)
    • “Files: show file explorer”
    • (repeat repeat repeat)

Currently, the workaround is to use Quick Explorer plugin, which gives the commands “Go to next file in folder” and “Go to previous file in folder”. This is pretty good, but it doesn’t let you easily move between folders. Or the “Browse vault” popup. Which is also great, but doesn’t open the notes. It only shows a small preview.

I am fairly certain the intention of this feature request, and many of the replies was the ability to quickly and easily jump from note to note.