IT Personal Knowledge

New at Obsidian. I want to create a PKM for my IT related info such as security, firewall, etc. It contains the actual procedures and some scripts. Any Templates or suggestions before I get too far down the road? Thanks!

I have a “vault” used for what you are describing. For myself the easiest way was to create a conventional folder based storage schema and then creating individual notes for each script / snippet / step instructions / etc.

I have a folder for each coding language so everything stays compartmented and then use links and tags to cross reference as required.

Hi mx129,

I have a System Engineer Wiki for storing all my Snippets of code.

My Journey starter with Notion then I eventually moved over to Obsidian.

For me I find keeping everything organised in folder directory helps. Then have multiple templates to add scripts to that directory for Powershell, Microsoft, Linux, Obsidian, etc.

Some insights on the path I took

Best thing about Obsidian is there is no right or wrong system. It’s really what works best for you.

My free directory template might help

My template from my SysEng Wiki is very basic, goes a little like this

Date-Added: "[[${dateAdded}]]"
Week: "[[${week}]]"
Quarter: "[[${quarter}]]"
Month: "[[${month}]]"
Year: "[[${year}]]"
Category: PowerShell

## Summary

// what it's for

## Script

//code block here

### When to use?

// when to use it

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